Drones were originally prepared for military purposes, especially to handle risky yet crucial missions. However, with increasing ease of accessibility, they have become a key tool for criminal activities. Perpetrators use drones in illegal pursuits, like smuggling inside prisons and close-custody facilities. Therefore, implementing anti-drone systems for prison has become imperative.
In this blog, we will look into the defense mechanisms for improving prison security using anti-drone systems.
What are Anti-drone Systems?
Anti-drone systems are important to detect and immobilize an unauthorized drone in a restricted area. Each anti-drone system has anti-drone radars installed inside the devices which assist in detecting the presence and movements of unauthorized drones. Plus, anti-drone systems use countermeasure devices to neutralize or destroy unauthorized drones.
In recent years, criminals started using anti-drone systems for committing crimes even in prison by delivering drugs and cell phones. These anti-drone systems are smart and reliable in detecting the unwanted presence of drones.
Benefits of Anti-Drone Systems in Prison Security
In improving prison security, anti-drone systems effectively influence the security protocols inside the prison.
Protecting the Airspace above the prison premises
Anti-drone systems protect the airspace of the prison; not only from drones but also from several air threats. Anti-drone radars are capable of capturing movements of aerial objects that can pose potential threats to prison security.
Locating the operators
The radars also focus on detecting the operator of the unapproved drones by scanning the perimeters and radio frequencies emitted by the drones.
Why Are Anti-drone Systems Important for Prison Protection?
Smuggling unapproved things inside the prison premises using high-end drones has become one of the main issues in protecting prisons and correctional centres. Hence, the anti-drone system for prison became essential in maintaining surveillance and providing 360-degree protection of the prison.
Criminals avail the drones mainly because of its availability and it is also affordable for almost everyone.
Besides, the drones come with HD or 4K cameras which criminals use for surveillance. Anti-drone radars identify these types of unauthorized drones and take them down using countermeasure techniques.
Reduces Criminal Activities inside the Prison
Anti-drone systems for prison ensure limitation in criminal activities within the prison. This way, prisoners can not get hold of any external items. Plus, the detection system in the anti-drone devices can spot any unusual activity using technologies like thermal radiation.
Enhance the Quality of Monitoring
The level of prison monitoring increases while using anti-drone devices. The devices can detect threats from far off. Such radars can highlight if there are unusual movements from the inmates. The anti-drone system for prison is also employed to identify the drone operators as well.
Provide security to the Inmates and Guards employed
Anti-drone systems help in the protection of inmates and guards employed within the correctional centers. So, detection in alarming situations empowers law and enforcement officials to remain alert while surveillance.
In the United States, there are 243 reported drone incidents every year which indicates the prisons are also not safe from drone attacks. In many cases, security officials fail to identify the unauthorized drones beforehand.
How Anti-drone Radars are used in Prison Security?
Anti-drone radar is an effective technology that helps in detecting and tracking unwanted drones using radio frequency. This type of anti-drone radar also focuses on real-time traffic detection and captures the movement of unwanted drones.
Identifying and Classifying Threats caused by drones
Anti-drone radars and anti-drone systems assist in classifying the threats caused by drones and identifying their locations. Moreover, many new-age anti-drone radars can integrate with other sensors that detect intruding drones. On top of it, the radars also implement situational awareness with highly precise tracking.
Using radio-frequency (RF)
The operators of prison security can also use RF to jam the communication of unauthorized drones, disrupting the communications and even disabling the drone. With the help of integrated AI technology, the radars can identify the location of the operators of unauthorized drones.
Inside the prison, using RF anti-drone radars assembled with anti-UAV systems can cut off the communication systems of suspected drones. Plus, in advanced drones, radars use the signals received using RF and process them to analyze the exact location of the drone.
Checking on the inmates
Anti-drone radars are also effective in the surveillance of notorious criminals and their movements. On top of that, using optical and thermal sensors, the operators can check on their activities inside the prison. Using small-sized assisted drones, prison security officials can build on protecting prison security.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, anti-drone systems for prison security can deliver optimum facilities in terms of protecting prison premises from any external attacks and removing potential threats. Moreover, the anti-drone radar is an essential tool for providing security to the airspace and individual cells.
In the near future, anti-drone technology will combine with AI-powered analytics and high-end interception devices for more precise tracking. We hope this blog helped you to understand how the anti-drone systems work to ensure prison safety and reduce the scope of smuggling.
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